Betrachtung des Leidens Christi
■ = Codex | □ = Fragment | ○ = Sonstiges
- □ Basel, Universitätsbibl., Cod. N I 2, 165
- ■ Berlin, Staatsbibl., mgq 1526
- ■ Berlin, Staatsbibl., mgo 31
- ■ Breslau / Wrocław, Universitätsbibl., Cod. I D 38
- ■ Heidelberg, Universitätsbibl., Cod. Sal. VIII 37
- ■ Lübeck, Stadtbibl., Ms. theol. germ. 8° 34
- ■ München, Staatsbibl., Cgm 393
- ■ München, Staatsbibl., Cgm 4597
- ■ Washington (D.C.), Libr. of Congress, Rosenwald Collection, ms. no. 4 (= Rosenwald 13)
+ Washington (D.C.), National Gallery of Art, The Rosenwald Collection, B-3414 - ■ Würzburg, Universitätsbibl., M. ch. q. 46